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New Flat Earth Books

This book is like no other book about our modern history. For open minds, it may begin a whole new awakening as to our understanding of who we are, where we came from, and a very profound and powerful re-connection to our common Theocosmology, that has been occulted from most for over 500 years.
Black and White Book/Color
Full Color Book


Glen Voliva and FE (Zion) City, Ilinois


fe voliva newton

(make sure to check out the fearful Newton top right)

~ Hat tip to

In September 1905, Dowie suffered a stroke and recuperated in Jamaica, claiming $2,000 a month expenses from the investments, and asked Voliva to return to oversee the city in his absence.[2] Voliva arrived in February 1906, whereupon the congregation revolted against Dowie’s leadership accusing him of corruption and polygamy and elected Voliva as head of the church, which he then renamed to the “Christian Catholic Apostolic Church.” By careful management he rescued Zion from bankruptcy gaining the support of the church members. He kept tight control on his some 6,000 followers, which made up the community, even up to the point of dictating their choice of marriage partners. The city of Zion was effectively controlled by the church; all of its real estate, while sold at market rates, was conveyed under an 1,100 year lease, subject to many restrictions and subject to termination at the whim of the General Overseer. Religions other than the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church were effectively banned – visiting preachers from rival sects were harassed and hounded out of town by the city police force.

Voliva diversified Zion Industries, an industrial concern owned by the church that manufactured Scottish lace, to include a bakery which produced the popular Zion brand fig bar cookies and White Dove chocolates. Zion was a one-company town and its workers were paid substandard wages.

He introduced many new rules for members and notices were placed around the town with stern warnings that the independents (who didn’t belong to the church) resented and often burned. But the city was established as a safe space for those within its boundaries.[3]

From 1914, he gained nationwide notoriety by his vigorous advocacy of flat earth doctrine. He offered a widely publicized $5000 challenge for anyone to disprove flat earth theory.[4] The church schools in Zion taught the flat earth doctrine. In 1923 he became the first evangelical preacher in the world to own his own radio station, which could be heard as far away as Australia. His radio station broadcast his diatribes against round earth astronomy, and the evils of evolution. He was quoted about the sun as follows:

The idea of a sun millions of miles in diameter and 91,000,000 miles away is silly. The sun is only 32 miles across and not more than 3,000 miles from the earth. It stands to reason it must be so. God made the sun to light the earth, and therefore must have placed it close to the task it was designed to do. What would you think of a man who built a house in Zion and put the lamp to light it in Kenosha, Wisconsin?[4]


He became increasingly focused on destroying the ‘trinity of evils’: modern astronomy, evolution and higher criticism, insisting on a strict interpretation of 24-hour days for creation. source

fe voliva flat

Wilbur Glen Voliva a successor to John Alexander Dowie, the other day brushed aside all the findings of science with regard to the formation of the earth. According to Mr. Voliva, the sky is a vast dome of solid material from which the sun, moon and stars are hung like chandeliers over a flat world. The edge of the dome, he explains rests on a wall of ice which surrounds the flat earth to keep foolhardy mariners from tumbling off. Also Mr. Voliva announced that the sun is a small body about forty miles in diameter and about 3,000 miles from the earth. Existence of a flat-earth has been taught in the Zion schools for a considerable time. Mr. Voliva merely cleared up these details to set at rest any inquiries among any unduly curious pupils or their parents.


Art & History; Ancients FE Cosmogony in Words and Paintings

This is so friggin’ good!   Think about it.  Not one minute, not one word of any teachings of Geocentric Cosmogony in public education, common historical nature, for decades, if not centuries, Why?, if the history is so rich, as depicted below.

Art & History; Ancients FE Cosmogony in Words and Paintings


The Burmese Buddhist World

In Buddhist cosmology, deriving from Indian origins, the world is viewed as a system of continents and oceans, either in rings (as in the center here) or floating detached in the ocean. This nineteenth-century Burmese manuscript shows in one image both sorts of continents, and a cosmic ocean symbolized by fish, crabs, and snails. Other sections of the book show and describe the various heavens and hells. Folding accordion-style manuscripts on thick paper are common in Southeast Asia, along with loose-leaf manuscripts made from palm leaves.

Srid pai khor lo (Wheel of Life). Painting on cloth, twentieth century. Tibetan Collection, Asian Division, Library of Congress (109.1)

Islamic World Map

This geographical treatise and collection of wondrous tales was exceedingly popular in mediaeval and early modern Islamic society. The map shown here is unusual in its portrayal of several creatures supporting the world in the firmament. While it uses a traditional Islamic projection of the world as a flat disk surrounded by the sundering seas which are restrained by the encircling mountains of Qaf, the map also shows the Ottomans’ early use of geographic information based upon European cartographic methodologies and explorations.

Zekeriya Kazvinî. Acaib-ül Mahlûkat (The Wonders of Creation). Translated into Turkish from Arabic. Istanbul: ca. 1553. Near East Section, African and Middle Eastern Division, Library of Congress (104)

T-O Map of the World

This is the first printing of the earliest example of a map of the world, called a “T-O Map” because of its symbolic design. Originally drawn in the seventh century as an illustration of Isidore of Seville’s (d. 636) Etymologiarum, an early encyclopedia of world knowledge. The design had great religious signifcance, with the “T” representing a mystical Christian symbol of the cross that placed Jerusalem at the center of the world. The “T” also separated the continents of the known world—Asia, Europe, and Africa—and the “O” that enclosed the entire image, represented the medieval idea of the world surrounded by water.

“>Page 2. Augsburg: Guntherus Ziner, 1472. Vollbehr Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress (105)


FE Hotel for the PTB, Darling Park, Sydney

conspiracy, Flat Earth, locations April 29, 2016 1 Comment

here ya go, for those in the know….

Darling Park Sydney – Flat Earth

Darling Park is one of Australia’s most unique developments combining premium office accommodation with first=class lifestyle facilities.

Set on 3.5 hectares in Sydney’s CBD (CBD???), Darling Park is comprised of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia Twoer, PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower, Robobank Tower, Codde Bay Wharf and the Crescent Garden.

Address: 201 Sussex Street Sydney NSW




Flat Earth Clock Darling Harbour (8)


Flat Earth Clock Darling Harbour (7)

Flat Earth Clock Darling Harbour (10)

Flat Earth Clock Darling Harbour (6)

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