Category Archives: eclipses

WAHOO …My 17! Free .pdf Books

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How Parents Have Lost Control free book on .pdf here



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Aplanetruth’s Social Media Links and Free Books

Why the 2017 Solar Eclipse Proves Flat Earth ONCE AND FOR ALL!

A Total Eclipse of Your Mind 8.21.17

FREE! Flat Earth eBook by APlaneTruth

FE Color FINAL Book 7.24.17


Dear Flat Out Truth Seekers,

 I have spent two years doing research and putting together this book. I really hope you enjoy it and find it full of useful information that you can share with others. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors you will assuredly find. Please let me know so I can correct in the next editions. 

Either way, please share this with all.

 Peace and Light to the Flat Out Truth,



Order Books with these links and I get a little more cheez..thanx.

Black and White Book/Color

Full Color Book

Available at Amazon on Kindle as well

***If you do buy a book on Amazon, please post a comment. It will help spread the word



New Flat Earth Books

This book is like no other book about our modern history. For open minds, it may begin a whole new awakening as to our understanding of who we are, where we came from, and a very profound and powerful re-connection to our common Theocosmology, that has been occulted from most for over 500 years.
Black and White Book/Color
Full Color Book


Flat Earth Ultimate Memes; Dome is all Our Home



UN Convention Center…Does it get any clearer the message???

Oh, the irony!




Google Knows Flat Earth










Flat Earth, Fake Aliens, and Real Giants ▶️️ [Sometimes The Red💊 Is Tough To Swallow]

..Upon Further Review…Upcoming FE Book

I’m rethinking how to distribute the Flat Earth books and wish not to deal with overseas sales, shipping, pay pal, checks, post office, mailers, postage, ordering books, storing books, labor, etc….

SO, simply, when it goes live on Amazon I’ll set a significant early bird sales price at discount for a couple of weeks for first responders then go to list price of $22 for a Black & White, $32 for color. I have the proofs and the color copies rock! (I have net lower margins on color due to much higher production costs, fyi)

The books are coming out of Create Space, a subsidiary of Amazon…sorry to have to use the monster but I thought worth it to get this important book out.

I really like how its turned out and am proud to offer it.

Bottom line, check back to this site. Final proofing now.

Sorry for any confusion.


pg. 118

Flat Earth; Investigations Into a Massive 500 yr. Heliocentric Lie


Observation Experiments We Can All Do


Much of Flat Earth logic, thought, and reason are available to those that wish to confirm FE theory for themselves while at the same time disproving heliocentrism as a viable cosmological possibility.

  1. During the 1st quarter waxing moon, when you can see it rise over the Eastern horizon, observe the Sun at sunset relative to the light atop the moon. The Sun is to your opposite shoulder than the moon and the light of the moon never changes through the alleged Earth movement away from the Sun at dusk. You will clearly see the lit moon is from the top, not from a lower angle where the Sun is located.
  2. Take a plastic round bowl and put in a sink with stopper in place. Place plastic opening face down and pour water from the top while holding down the bowl. Once water has filled to the top of the bowl you can let go and see how Earth could be inside a dome filled with air, yet completely under water at the same time.
  3. Look at the moon during its half-phase through a telescope, or high zoom camera, and see stars for yourself through the dark portions of the moon.
  4. Go to the ocean and look out. On a clear day with unobstructed vision, you can see some 10 miles scanning to the left and right. Basic spherical geometry says we should see at least 66 feet of curvature and a cresting ocean directly ahead. Do you see any curve at all?
  5. Aero-plane. Sea-Level. Plate Tectonics. Hemisphere. As you increase in altitude in an airplane, a hot air balloon, or some other aircraft, the distant horizon always stays at eye level no matter how high you go. The Earth never, ever falls away from your eye as a round ball curve should. Not only that, it stays at eye level in all 360-degrees around you. This can only happen on a Flat Earth. The Earth is not a globe.
  6. Observe clouds at sunset and in moonlight. How can clouds be hundreds of thousands and tens of millions of miles away, if we can see them form behind the Sun and moon?
  7. Take a high-powered camera or binoculars or telescope to a large lake or ocean. Watch a ship go past the horizon of visibility with the naked It ‘appears’ to go off a round surface as the ships mast falls away last and the hull disappears first. This is one the main problems the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle had with empirically supporting geocentric theory. Now, relocate the ship or vessel through the viewing device and you will see the object coming back into full view, hull and all. This is the Law of Perspective and proves Flat Earth, not round ball globe. Lay out at night and stare at the Northern Star. Watch all the other star’s orbit around the fixed North Star. Except for the fixed North Star, all stars move around us on Earth. We are the at the epi-center of this Creation and the Universe.





Flat Earth Evolution

Flat Earth; An Investigation Into a Massive 500-year Lie, will be out in 2-3 weeks. Email me @ for first copy, discounted, signed if you want copy. I’ll notify you when books are ready to ship for mailing addresses.

Thanx for your support,
