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New Flat Earth Books

This book is like no other book about our modern history. For open minds, it may begin a whole new awakening as to our understanding of who we are, where we came from, and a very profound and powerful re-connection to our common Theocosmology, that has been occulted from most for over 500 years.
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They Just Make this Stuff Up; 200 Billion Galaxies?!?…using only a Be-Lie-F

“Some of this radiation shows up as background light, a faint diffuse glow of light that appears to have no source. The rest, however, disappears before it ever reaches us.

The James Webb Telescope, set to launch in 2018, may be able to pick out some of these elusive stars. Until then, we’ll just have to believe.”

(look at the lead title!  A Statement of fact!, it reads… no!,  it is a “belief” to date, sold as fact to those who cannot think critically and only read headlines.)

The Universe is 10 times more vast than we thought

There are at least 10 times more galaxies than once thought.
A composite of images from the Hubble Ultra Deep Field study.

The universe seems a little less lonely today.

Astronomers from the University of Nottingham conducted a new survey of the universe’s galaxy population and concluded that previous estimates lowballed the census by a factor of about 20. Using data from Hubble and telescopes around the world, as well as a new mathematical model, they estimate that there are ten times more galaxies in the observable universe than we thought; previous estimates put the number of galaxies in the universe at around 200 billion.

Some of this radiation shows up as background light, a faint diffuse glow of light that appears to have no source. The rest, however, disappears before it ever reaches us.The James Webb Telescope, set to launch in 2018, may be able to pick out some of these elusive stars. Until then, we’ll just have to believe.

The Cavendish Experiment — Pseudoscience at Its Finest


~ credit to

The Cavendish Experiment — Pseudoscience Nonsense

Don’t be surprised if at some point an indoctrinated globehead pulls out the Cavendish experiment as proof of gravity and tries to shove it in your face. Fear not, the Cavendish experiment is another pseudoscience piece of nonsense that has never been replicated and is taken as truth in the fraudulent world of scientism. In essence, the Cavendish experiment was initiated in 1797 by Henry Cavendish that supposedly can measure the gravitational attraction of two massive bodies. From there the legend grew to measuring the mass of the earth, moon and planetary bodies. There’s only one problem, it has never been replicated and is full of more holes than a piece of swiss cheese, but yet it’s still used today as a if it were science fact.

Here’s an article by Scientific American stating that the Cavendish Experiment is the basis of measuring planetary weight. How do scientists measure or calculate the weight of a planet? Here’s a quote;


Because we know the radius of the Earth, we can use the Law of Universal Gravitation to calculate the mass of the Earth in terms of the gravitational force on an object (its weight) at the Earth’s surface, using the radius of the Earth as the distance. We also need the Constant of Proportionality in the Law of Universal Gravitation, G. This value was experimentally determined by Henry Cavendish in the 18th century to be the extremely small force of 6.67 x 10-11 Newtons between two objects weighing one kilogram each and separated by one meter. Cavendish determined this constant by accurately measuring the horizontal force between metal spheres in an experiment sometimes referred to as “weighing the earth.”

But yet here’s an article called: Easy to show Cavendish Experiment is a fake #151 New Physics #260 ATOM TOTALITY 5th ed  that totally destroys the Cavendish experiment and says;


Every one can witness, that no matter how large and massive of two balls, of steel you make and place them close together, that there never, ever was a perceptible attraction by Newtonian gravity of one for the other. But everyone can build the tiniest of bar magnets and notice that as you bring the two closer together, that the snap at one another in attraction.


Also, the asteroid Ida and its moon Dactyl. Anyone doing the Cavendish Experiment and believing it, should look at the asteroid belt, that all the asteroids should have moons based on Cavendish Experiment, but the fact is, that gravitational bonding is a rare phenomenon, because, well, gravity is not Newtonian and that gravity is EM-gravity.


So the Cavendish Experiment is a fairy tale experiment, and not physics. Physicists should be ashamed of that experiment, not proud.

This is just another example of pseudoscience nonsense that has been intentionally passed along as fact, when in reality it’s complete Bullcrap. Trust your senses not mathematical formulas that try to explain away your own senses and perceptions.