Category Archives: Astronomy

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My Free .pdf Books on Cal Fires; Flat Earth and Geoengineering

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Free .pdf Geoengineering aka Chemtrails book


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The Rahu Eclipse!; Proof Positive with a P900 Camera

Bacteria Being Released Overhead During Solar Eclipse

Ask Your Pilot to Show You The Curve

Greatest Flat Earth Memes Collection


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Why the 2017 Solar Eclipse Proves Flat Earth ONCE AND FOR ALL!

A Total Eclipse of Your Mind 8.21.17

So the Heliocentric Theory Goes…

“It may be boldly asked where can the man be found, possessing the extraordinary gifts of Newton, who could suffer himself to be deluded by such a hocus-pocus, if he had not in the first instance willfully deceived himself;

Only those who know the strength of self-deception, and the extent to which it sometimes trenches on dishonesty, are in a condition to explain the conduct of Newton and of Newton’s school. To support his unnatural theory Newton heaps fiction upon fiction, seeking to dazzle where he cannot convince.

In whatever way or manner may have occurred this business, I must still say that I curse this modern history theory of Cosmology, and hope that perchance there may appear, in due time, some young scientists of genius, who will pick up courage enough to upset this universally disseminated delirium of lunatics.

~Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe


Modern science and astronomy was born as Europe emerged from the Dark Ages of the 10th to 15th centuries at a time when the Roman Catholic Church suppressed, tortured and killed heretics who questioned church doctrines.

Back then, the Catholic Church controlled most information content much like the 6 corporate conglomerates that own most of the main stream media today.

Modern astronomy, as the story goes, was that the findings by Copernicus, that the Earth rotated around the Sun (heliocentrism), was a proven fact determined by  a new technology of the telescope along with 700 year old Pythagorean mathematical calculations.

Copernicus (15th CE) advanced the work of Pythagoras (6th BCE), Philolaus (4th BCE) and Aristarchus of Samos (3 BCE), all of who postulated a spherically shaped Earth. Little recognized is that Copernicus relied heavily on early Muslim astronomers Moayyeduddin Urdi, Nasir al-Din al-Tusi and Ibn al-Shatir for geocentric models of planets in motion.

This directly and diametrically opposed Vatican teachings of the bible, both new and old testament, as well as ancient cultural beliefs of the Mayans, Toltecs, Egyptians, Summerians, Babylonians, Near East Indians and the Chinese. Some of these beliefs of plane earth, geocentrism record back 3500 years and more.

Desembarco de Colón de Dióscoro Puebla.jpg

First Landing of Columbus on the Shores of the New World; painting by Dióscoro Puebla (1862)

The story goes that Christopher Columbus, in 1492, was said to have sailed across the Atlantic to 1) Find India for Rome’s colonial expansion and, 2) prove the Earth was not flat, thereby reversing thousands of years of belief systems around the world.

Columbus was said to have landed in the United States of America and was so off course he thought he had landed in India, our school books all tell us. Revisionist history now proves this entire story to be a total fabrication and lie. In fact he never set foot in the United States at all.  (Source)

In the early 1500’s the first mass production of information to the masses began with the development of the Gutenberg Printing Press. Much like today where, since 1995, half a planet suddenly has access to the internet, books flourished during that era of the Renaissance where.those that learned to read were able to educate themselves.

Along comes Galileo Galillei, in the early 1600’s, who we are told taught himself to grind his own glass, to make one of the first telescopes, another Italian. What he observed, that flew directrly in the face of Catholic cannon teachings, was the observance of the phases of Venus, and the moons of Saturn rotating around her centre. G. Gallilei was exiled back to Florence by after the Roman Inquistion when he refused to recant his beliefs of a heliocentric solar system.

Around the same time England was dominating the colonization game and took significant power away from the Vatican, starting with King James the I, when he created the world recognized bible that bears his name.

It was at this time that the Royal Society of England was created to settle all matters of scientific inquiry and discovery. Sir Isaac Newton was once its President. Newton, we are told, was the first to discover the nature of gravity, the origin of color, he invented calculus and the first reflecting telescope. Newton forwarded the theory of gravity, that all material objects effect each other and the greater the mass, the greater the gravitational pull.

In the mid-1700’s the Vatican became the first country in modern times (they are one of three city-states beholden to no other country, here), to build an observatory with telescopes to look out into space. Still today, they hold the most patents on telescope construction. They are also still active in cosmos observation today. The most recent large scale telescope they have built is in Arizona called, I kid you not, L.U.C.I.F.E.R. (source).

The global, heliocentric Earth theory came to mass common knowledge in the early and mid 1900’s at the time when schooling became compulsory throughout Europe and the United States.  Schooling in the United States was centralized in the 1920’s by the creation of the Non-Government, tax-exempt Organizations (NGO’s). The NGO’s then took control of the the entire upstream to downstream education system though foundations with names we still know today, like Rockefeller, Guggenheim, Ford, Harriman, et. al.

These formations of education systems are similar to today, where the behemoth Gates Foundation is dictating public school curriculum’s through Common Core and the “Decade of Vaccines” world campaign.  (Source)

Three decades later, after WWII ended, was the founding of the National Aeronautical Space Administration (NASA).  NASA was founded by the U.S. Government in 1958. The original leaders of NASA were Nazi scientists and rocketeers brought over during Operation Paperclip after WWII. The Vatican assisted the effort to get the Nazi’s out of Germany into the U.S. via “ratlines” going though Argentina, using Vatican Passports. (Source).


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Braun at his desk at Marshall Space Flight Center in May 1964, with models of the Saturn rocket family

Werner Von Bruan ran the Saturn rocket program for 25 years at NASA and was awarded the highest honor in the nation for his work. Previous to running NASA, he was the “wunderkind” of Nazi Germany when he designed, built and launched the V1 and V2 “buzz-bombs” that showered our Allies with bombs throughout WWII, killing tens of thousands.

Every single picture from space we have ever seen, every single one has come directly from NASA. Every single space story we have ever been told has come from one single source, NASA.

Since the beginning of the 1500’s, when information became mass disseminated we all have been told that the Earth is a globe spinning in a full rotation to make one day as well as rotate very, very fast around the Sun.

This story, and unproved theories are unquestioned by some by 99.99% of the Earth’s population. (guesstimate:)

A big problem is that most of the stories and theories do not hold up under the most simplest observation and thought.

In the 19th century many sought to challenge the new heliocentric theory propagated by the Royal Society of London. Strict adherents to the Bible of the time held to the their beliefs in a geocentric earth.


1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”

Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm …”

Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable …”

Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.”

Isaiah 45:18: “…who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast…”


‘Four Corners’ Flat Earth claims

  • Isaiah 11:12 “And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”
  • Revelation 7:1 “And after these things I saw four angels standing on four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.” As with the Daniel quote, this cannot be taken literally; the events described in Revelation are a series of visions, rather than an accurate description of the world. Another interpretation of this verse is that four corners of the earth don’t refer to literal four corners but to cardinal directions, which is further supported by the description of the four winds which are commonly referenced by their cardinal direction.

The Three-Story Universe

From N. F. Gier, God, Reason, and the Evangelicals
(University Press of America, 1987), chapter 13.
Copyright held by author

Author’s Note: Full bibliographical information for references will be supplied at a later date.
Until then please check the full bibliography of the hard copy of God, Reason, and the Evangelicals.




Many evangelicals believe in “detailed inerrancy,” which means that the Bible, in the words of Francis Schaeffer, is “without error in all that it affirms” and contains “propositional true truth where it touches the cosmos and history.”(1) This in all probability was not the position of historical Christianity and many evangelicals themselves reject this position.

The inerrantists cannot decide which “science” to use to prove that the Bible is without error about cosmological matters. Following the lead of Charles Hodge and B. B. Warfield, writers for the Moody Bible Institute contend that the Bible is completely compatible with current theories about the evolution of the universe over billions of years. (2) On the other hand, we have “fiat creationists,” like those from the Institute for Creation Research, who reject cosmic evolution and maintain that the universe is less than 10,000 years old.

Throwing intelligent light on the question are the evangelical writers of the New Bible Dictionary. An author warns us that the Genesis account “must not be confused or identified with any scientific theory of origins. The purpose of the biblical doctrine, in contrast to that of scientific investigation, is ethical and religious….The whole is poetic and does not yield to close scientific correlations….Genesis neither affirms nor denies the theory of evolution, or any theory for that matter.”(3) Evangelical J. J. Davis concurs: “Evangelicals have generally come to adopt the position that the Genesis accounts of creation are primarily concerned with the meaning and purpose of God’s creative work and not with precise scientific details of how it was accomplished….We look to the science of genetics to answer the scientific question of when human life begins and to the Bible for revelational answers concerning the value and purpose of human life.”(4) Of course these evangelicals are correct in disclaiming any scientific foundation for the cosmology of the Old Testament.

I believe, however, that there is more than just poetry in the biblical creation account. In what follows I argue that we should take the Hebrew cosmology as a prescientific attempt to understand the universe. Parallel accounts in other ancient mythologies will be the principal evidence I offer. One of the first problems we have is that there is no word in Hebrew for the Greek kosmos. Kosmos was first used by Pythagoras, who is said to be the first Greek to conceive of the universe as a rational, unified whole. Such a notion is crucial to the scientific idea that things operate according to law-like regularity. For the Hebrews the universe is not a kosmos, but a loose aggregate held together and directed by God’s will.(5) If God’s will is free–this is an assumption threatened in some evangelical doctrines of God–then the results of such a will are not predictable events. This is why the biblical idea of creation can never be called “scientific,” and why “scientific creationism” will always be a contradiction in terms.

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