Category Archives: poetry

WAHOO …My 17! Free .pdf Books

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New Flat Earth Books

This book is like no other book about our modern history. For open minds, it may begin a whole new awakening as to our understanding of who we are, where we came from, and a very profound and powerful re-connection to our common Theocosmology, that has been occulted from most for over 500 years.
Black and White Book/Color
Full Color Book


MY View of Yesterday; 11.9.16


Both would still keep killing Brown and Black People

Both are backed by Jesuits.

Both have same blood types and lines.

Both are puppets.

Yet just like we got “Snowed IN”

We just got “Trumped”

That is why Osama Bin Hussein Barrack Obama Biden Bin Laden was President and Enemy, at the same time.

Where i live in Northern CA, we have been bombarded with geoengineered chemtrails of the most egregious kind. No let up before, during and after these selections.

The bleeding heart liberals are disconsolate, here in the land of the Prius. All the yogini’s in my yoga class today wore black, just black, and you do not want an angry yogini as your instructor…yet was really cool, what I did not expect to see so soon, was the leaders now emerging in our community calling louder for us to work together and solve these problems our selves and come together as community. Now if they understood who really ran the this shit show Bread and Circus run to numb society they have created and will now destroy, we may get a sense of urgency to understand how we got here, why we are in the mess we are in, and what ‘they’ have planned for all our futures as their “human resources.” (Google: Georgia Guidestones)

We say “we believe” or “cannot believe” in something just learned that goes against conventional school teachings and mass market TV programming, yet it be-lies our abilities to realize, with our own eyes, the real lies put forth by heliocentrics so our beliefs really are “be-lies”. We live under a One Government rule which can simply be proven by the fact that each of our debt follows us anywhere in the world, no matter where we travel (Google: BIIS bank).

US, “American’s”, as we call ourselves are the dumbest of the dumb where we make nothing but debt and war on brown and black people. “American’s” disrespect other American’s, like the South, Central American nations and our Canadian neighbors.

No “American” can even tell you the date that the Federal government was created, you know, where the President, Congress, who makes laws, and Supreme Law of our Lands was even founded. Nor can hardly anyone reading this tell me who sold the land that was named ???, Maryland before it was named Wash. D.C.  Nor can anyone know why it was named the District of Columbia? Or how many other Districts are there? Here is the logo on the side of dais where the President gives his address, the Roman Licor, or “fasces” is what Roman soldiers carried as caning rods and a henchmen axe for anyone who did not like the new Senate rules and Caesar, named “Trumped”.

The citizens of the corporate States, federal areas, are “subjects” and are called Residents
Derived from “res” meaning “the thing” and “ident” meaning “identify.” Therefore, a “resident” is
“a thing identified.”
And, “President” is “P-resident,” meaning “Principal resident” enjoined in the federal area.

666 = SSN

Section 666 of the Federal Social Security Code (42 USC §666) preempts Idaho’s Free Exercise of Religion Act (FERA) and similar acts of other states. Section 666 appears to mandate that every State is to force everyone to identify with a Social Security Number (SSN) in order to obtain a professional license, occupational license, recreational license, driver’s license, and or marriage license in spite of ones religious beliefs based on Revelation, Chapter 13, of the Bible which warns of a beast that requires every person to identify with a number in order to engage in a livelihood.`The Bible clearly states that one is not to accept a number whereby one cannot buy or sell without it.

A one word change in the original State (California) constitution from “unalienable” to “inalienable” made rights into privileges

The United States is Not What You Think It Is

Next President? Jesuit or Jesuit? You Choose Amerika?!?

Revisionist History #8; Kissing Cousins ~ All Presidents Related by Blood

Part I; Pedophiles, Sex Slaves and U.S. Presidents

Trump/Ted Cruz Ticket; Illuminati and Jesuits

Obama Owned and Ruled by the Jesuits “Kitchen Cabinet”

Knights of Malta Jesuits Plans for World Takeover

Who really runs America?

Abstract on Who Really Runs and Controls All

The Jesuits Assassinated JFK 53 Years Ago

FE Poetry

It’s just a ball without the chain.
But it’s attached to you all the same.
And forever it will remain.
Until you can open up your eyes,
and you can look past all the pain.
Not until then will you realize…just how much you have to gain.
Not until then will you know what makes the world look so insane.
Not until then will you know how it feels to go against the grain, with a certainty you only get with eyes wide open and a mind that is the same!!
Not until then will you know the truth about your home…not the ball that put the world to shame, but the plane that changed the game!!
