Category Archives: mind control

Neil deGrasse Tyson blames US schools for Flat-Earthers — and teachers aren’t amused

TEACHERS DON”T EVEN KNOW ABOUT FLAT EARTH…J.A.P…Just Another Psyop~Note it is the WashPo reporting this..

Neil deGrasse Tyson, perhaps the most famous astrophysicist in the world and a seemingly affable guy, upset teachers and started something of a Twitter frenzy with a tweet blaming U.S. schools for people who believe the world is flat:

With this tweet, which had more than 72,000 retweets and more than 188,000 “likes” late Friday afternoon, Tyson was expressing alarm at “flat-Earthers,” people who believe the Earth is flat and who have been able to grab some headlines in recent months as videos insisting the Earth is not a sphere have become popular on social media.

The Daily Mail recently ran a story titled, “Inside the World of flat Earthers,” and the famous former basketball Shaquille O’Neal was in the news a few months ago when he said the Earth was flat — and then later said, “I’m joking, you idiots.” And the Courier just published a story noting that flat-Earthers had posted signs along a highway in Scotland urging people to research the flat Earth.

Flat-Earthers believe NASA is part of a broad conspiracy to fake the evidence of a spherical Earth, and there are societies of people, such as this Flat Earth Society, that produce materials “proving” the conspiracy. For example, this is the description of one of the podcasts available on this group’s website:

In this series we will be dispelling a number of globularist claims. This week we take a look at lunar eclipses in the ball model and using the Parallaxian mind-set put forth by Samuel Rowbotham showing the globe earth theory to be incoherent with observed phenomena.

Tyson’s tweet blames America’s schools — most of which are traditional public schools — for such ignorance, but is that really fair? It is true that science education is not a priority in too many schools, and young people don’t learn anywhere near enough about the world. But a refusal to believe basic science like this suggests something other than minimal or lousy teaching, such as willful ignorance, a rejection of science and/or religious beliefs.


Fake vs. Fakery; Explore the International Space Station with Google Street View

Go ahead and have it in the comments…creativity of taking apart this gets higher pts., profanity lower scores

Aspiring astronauts can now pretend to float on the International Space Station (ISS), thanks to Google. The company worked with astronauts on the orbiting complex to provide a Google Street View of the space station, from its science labs to its beautiful Earth-facing Cupola window.

Thomas Pesquet, a European Space Agency astronaut who helped collect the images earlier this year, said in a blog post that the experience of capturing the tour “describes the feeling of being in space” better than words or a picture can. But there were limitations to collecting the data. For one, astronauts float in space, so the imagery of the ISS couldn’t be captured the same way as other Google Street View locations.

NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston and Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama worked with Google to create a “gravity-free method of collecting the imagery,” Pesquet said in the blog post. These methods included using DSLR cameras and other equipment already available at the space station. An extended video provides an additional look at how the view came together. (Pesquet didn’t specify the other equipment in the blog post.) [The International Space Station: Inside and Out (Infographic)]

Flat Earth -Some of the best clips of the last 2yrs

Why the Cavendish Experiment Is Ridiculous – Flat Earth

ED Dubay caught lying about Jesuits/Jews

Huge thanx and credit to:

Flat Earth – Antarctica Unmapped

Full credit to


USAF Proves the earth is FLAT in a SR71 Pilot testimony Flat Earth

Flat earth look at Ship routes

Buzz Aldrin’s Trip To Antarctica – Moon Landing Hoax Confession – Two Watches & Freemasonry

Russian Vids will only cover Freemasons, ad naseum but never, ever get further into the Jesuit connections…because he appears to be controlled Op

Alex Jones/Info Wars Goes FE Now?!?; Who the Heck is Russian Vids?