Hey ED and Shills! Ingore this! JESUIT CONTROLLED PUTIN EXPOSED & Much More


Jesuits controlled Stalin as well

Theodore Maly

1894 – 1938

  • The Jesuits secretly participated in the Bolshevik Revolution. According to the Jesuit-trained, Irish Roman Catholic, John Loftus in his Unholy Trinity, a Hungarian Catholic priest was a player in the revolution.
    • “Between 1932 and 1937 the top NKVD ‘illegal’ in England was Father Theodore Maly . . . ‘when the revolution broke out I joined the Bolsheviks’ Maly once told a friend, explaining how service with the Cheka and Red Army during the brutal civil war against the [Orthodox] Whites [White Russians] had hardened him.” [58]
  • [Ed.: Author Eric Jon Phelps is here describing Soviet GRU General Prince Anton Turkul, who was a Knight of Malta]: “As [Ed.: Jesuit-trained Joseph] Stalin’s foremost intelligence officer [Ed.: during WWII], advised by Jesuit priest George Romanov [59]and using Jesuits like Pere Michel as couriers escorted by his [Ed.: Soviet] GRU [Ed.: i.e., “Main Intelligence Directorate”] during World War II, he [Ed.: i.e., Anton Turkul] had broken up the anti-Bolshevik groups after World War I along with Jesuit Theodore Maly… [Ed.: He had] used the Vatican Ratlines for Soviet intelligence during the Cold War… This Maltese Knight of the Pope’s Vatican Empire was one of [Ed.: Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic] Cardinal Agagianian’s secret Inquisitors of the ‘USSR’.” – Eric Jon Phelps (“Vatican Assassins”; Third Edition; Publisher: Lowvehm, Inc., 2007; Page 1271) [60]


Heinrich Himmler

1900 – 1945
Reichsführer-SS – Commander of the German Schutzstaffel (SS)
Chief of the German Police, controlling the Gestapo.
Supreme Commander of the Volkssturm and the Home Army.
Reich Commissioner of German Nationhood.

  • “According to the great Frenchman, Edmond Paris, in his The Secret History of the Jesuits, it was the Jesuit Bernhardt Staempfle who wrote Hitler’s Mein Kampf. This fact is further confirmed by one of the founders of the Nazi Party, Roman Catholic Otto Strasser, in his revealing book, Hitler and I. It was Roman Catholic Hitler who said of the Roman Catholic Himmler having modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order.” [61]
  • The SS had been organized by Heinrich Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The rules of service and spiritual exercises prescribed by Ignatius de Loyola constituted a model which Heinrich Himmler strove carefully to copy. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule; every order had to be executed without comment.” – Walter Shellenberg (Chief of the Nazi Sicherheitdienst (SD) [62]

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

1881 – 1955

  • (scientist, NewAge promotor)
  • to chek all his research/doctrines of new agers

Edmund A Walsh

1885 – 1956

  • Fr. Edmund Aloysius Walsh, S.J. (October 10, 1885 – October 31, 1956)[1] was an American Jesuit Catholic priest, professor of geopolitics and founder of the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, which he founded in 1919–six years before the U.S. Foreign Service itself existed–and served as its first regent.

Adolf Hitler

  • See The Religious Views of Adolf Hitler
  • “According to the great Frenchman, Edmond Paris, in his The Secret History of the Jesuits, it was the Jesuit Bernhardt Staempfle who wrote Hitler’s Mein Kampf. This fact is further confirmed by one of the founders of the Nazi Party, Roman Catholic Otto Strasser, in his revealing book, Hitler and I. It was Roman Catholic Hitler who said of the Roman Catholic Himmler having modeled the SS after the Jesuit Order.” [53]

(1889 – 1945)

Georges Lemaître

(1894 – 1966)

3 thoughts on “Hey ED and Shills! Ingore this! JESUIT CONTROLLED PUTIN EXPOSED & Much More

  1. aj November 4, 2016 at 8:11 pm Reply

    Yep. Definitely the Joos. He he. Only kidding Jimmy. Trying to lighten things up a bit. The whole thing is a horrible mess. And we still let them get away with it. We need solutions to these horrors you speak of and to find ways to make our reality better.
    Love & Compassion might work. A special forces team op could also
    work in the short term. 😄


  2. Laura Lee November 5, 2016 at 2:23 am Reply

    You know how he’s a Jesuit? Look at the boys wearing dresses. The only one with a female face is the one dressed like a boy. Transgender agenda of the satanist pope antichrist. Right in our faces. Look at that boy on the far right in the dress. The ones in dresses are boys. The one dressed in pants is a girl.


  3. Pegz November 7, 2016 at 8:03 pm Reply

    After reading what is suggested on this site, keep in mind — the believed historical Jesus came from a specific bloodline also predestined a king and high priest to rule the earth under one government in a future time. OT Israel was not all Jewish. Only Judah and Benjamin. Consider researching 12 Jewish Jesuits, The 10 lost tribes of Israel – The Coronation Stone – Jacob’s Pillar and the House of London. Vatican and Islam agree on the flat earth. The Roman Empire inspired Koran – the believed (by some christian groups) Jesuit fundamentalist target flat earth vs the Ptolemaic Egyptian-Hellenistic Atlantean cosmology and the siblings who migrated across the water. All ancient texts say there are those who survive into the next age. They are called children of light, the remnant people, the awakened ones among other cultural names .

    Just as ancient Israel was divided into northern and southern kingdoms who were later conquered and went into exile — the ancient Holy Roman Empire was divided into east and west orthodox Christianity, then divided further by the reformation which still impacts western present day worldview and government style several hundred years later. It has been theorized for over 25 years the U.S. could easily be divided in a future world order and protesting Americans could be hauled to concentration camps or mass graves if they don’t accept or adapt to the change. Unfortunately, most of us have long forgot history, how it repeats itself as we have been dumbed down and countless are not even familiar today with the reformation, ancient texts or the believed cultural prophecies. Those who have lived their whole lives in the U.S. have been economically spoiled being the police nation of the world. Americans continually believe only bad things happen in other countries. Americans are very gullible to what’s gone on inside and outside of U.S. borders and why they are hated by many radical inspired groups who are just pawns themselves for elite secret society agendas.

    For those who believe the Vatican Jesuits have no power … does this video represent just for looks or for the heck of it to fool everybody. What does it remind you of?

    Listen to this Jesuit trained college professor as she discusses the reformation and today’s fundamentalist anti-science worldview.

    In view of the reformation and the believed Jesuit oaths take a look at what’s been going on among some fundamentalist religious circles …

    As a reader of FE comments — you may agree or disagree with what is being said on this website as BS, bogus bible prophecy or conspiracy theories nonsense to promote fear, but keep in mind, there are millions who believe in the ancient texts as much as the growing new age popular trends believe in what some researchers call the awakening ideologies or movement ~

    The point being, not only does each researcher have to come to terms with what one personally believes and why (which is the most important) but there are the spouses, family, friends, neighbors and coworkers who may have already or could at any time choose to embrace a totally different religion or science worldview from your own that will continue to impact lives and this world’s reality into the foreseeable future of uncertainty as we all are forced to face our basic survival challenges. Flat earthism has always been used as a fundamentalist OT, NT and Koran dividing dogma with its mixture of religious scientism. It’s educational on many levels to research the anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim and anti-science new age movement and the flat earth. What is it so many are being drawn to search for? How will one know when they have found it ? Hopefully and prayerfully one day before it’s too late we will learn to say NO for a simpler way of life to unnecessary hi-tech things and lay down our swords of hate and war.


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