Tesla knew Gravity was just a bogus theory and that Einstein was a shill

Can you Say…..E-L-E-C-T-R-O-M-A-G-N-E-T-I-S-M

Tesla knew Gravity was just a bogus theory and that Einstein was a shill

37 thoughts on “Tesla knew Gravity was just a bogus theory and that Einstein was a shill

  1. Bob July 30, 2016 at 8:45 am Reply

    Why are you not deleting comments from or banning people who argue against the flat Earth? I though you had the courage to allow that here. Have you realised the FE arguments don’t stand up or have you been told not to allow it?

    Liked by 1 person

    • jwlpeace July 30, 2016 at 2:56 pm Reply

      I’m deleting nonsensical, ad hominen attacks. I’m getting 10-20 attacks a day, only recently, and in concert, that have little to do with FE discussion but want to derail, distract and attack. It is not helpful or conducive to the discussion. I’ve got over 650 posts on FE, you can always find a bone to pick, which is fine, but when you present your side and they just continue to attack, attack, attack, they show they are not searching for truth, or meaningful investigation, but to derail. Until you see how many shills, trolls and disinfo agents are all over my sites, and others, it’s hard to comprehend. This site is an info site, not a chat board. the commentary is secondary to disclosing FE theory. you all can start a chat board and have at. i don’t have time, energy or interest in debating those with eyes and minds shut. there is too much evidence to not give FE credible thought and investigation. I hope this helps explain the censorship needed to keep discussions relevant and on track.


      • Nick August 15, 2016 at 11:18 am

        jwlpeace – I respect the fact that this is your site and thank you that I am being able to post again. Please forgive me that I fell into posting material that overstepped the mark.

        I am always open to learn – in fact researching some posts here has helped me to understand issues better – and I am trying to see what attracts people to the FE position. I am yet to see a FE argument that is at all persuasive, but I am still looking! I can ensure you I am no “shill”, just an individual interested in science, history and truth.


  2. Nick August 10, 2016 at 10:50 am Reply

    Tesla undoubtedly made some great contributions to science in his early life, but he failed to come to grips with 20th century physics. He did not believe that atoms were made up of sub-atomic particles, he did not believe that electrons were the cause of electricity and he held to the 19th century concept of the “ether”. His rejection of Einstein’s theory of general relativity needs to be understood in this context and he was not alone in finding Einstein’s theory unconvincing.

    Science progresses, however, not by comparing the authority of scientists, e.g. should we trust Einstein or Tesla, but by testing theories by comparing predictions against repeatable experiment. On this basis, general relativity has been shown time and again to be the best description of the way the universe works. In particular, it predicted that light would be bent by the gravitational field of the Sun, which was confirmed by Eddington in 1919.

    General relativity may not be the final word on the matter, but at the moment it is the best model we have and is used every day, for instance it is needed to adjust the clocks in GPS satellites for the effects of time dilation. It is not enough to say “Einstein was a shill”, how SHOULD we understand time dilation, gravitational lenses in astronomy etc. if Einstein was wrong?


    • j October 2, 2016 at 10:02 am Reply

      i know im a month late so i hope this gets seen. i have very little interest in the flat earth discussion or what have you but am very deep down many other rabbit holes. Nick, you left interesting comments, and since you said you are genuinely interested i will share some stuff. einsteins theory is certainly not the best one. it wasnt then and it isnt now. i am not claiming to know the best way to explain whatever it is his theory was explaining, “relativity” or whatever… you should look into the forces pushing einsteins work and the zionist connection. einstein was chosen in order to make jewish people relevant in science, or for a jewish man to set the bar in science if that makes more sense. this is why he didnt actually win a nobel prize for the theory, nobel prizes are for something that contributes to mankind in some way, not a theory or written works…… so they tried to buy him a nobel prize and wound up with getting him one for a useless pair of glasses he made or something. the point is that it was a jewish or zionist agenda that got us the theory of relativity and it is used so that we never learn actual science. it has nothing to do with the quality of the work. im not biased in any way ive just done enough reading and this is the truth unfortunately


      • MIke October 3, 2016 at 11:49 am

        j – So, relativity is wrong because Einstein was Jewish? This is so even though it is used in practical science and engineering on a daily basis?

        Your comment has nothing to do with science. You are an anti-semite and should be ashamed.


      • M.Kavanagh April 25, 2017 at 1:57 am

        this is very interesting, and I relate it to the big lie of disempowerment, propagated – it would seem, in ALL spheres – to crush the psychology, the subjective inklings about truth, in human beings. It seems to me that through a ‘psychological’ sense, the theory of ‘relativity’ has the effect of cancelling soul’s inkings as REAL. In doing so, it adds to the divorce between soul and spirit, in the human being. It adds to the ANTIalchemical wedding, it undermines confidence at the deepest level of the soul. This why it is powerful, through its very insidiousness. And because it attacks the core. The deepest meaning, and the true destiny, of the human being and of TARA, EarthStar.


  3. Hiroji Kurihara 。 July 21, 2019 at 2:36 am Reply

    Constancy of speed of light

    They say, it stands up on an observer in every inertial frame. Yes, when the light source shines in that frame, it is true.

    Some man mistook this fact natural for a great discovery. And it is believed widely .


  4. Hiroji kurihara November 15, 2019 at 2:23 am Reply

    Equivalence principle is nonsense

    An elevator in free fall is explained fully by Newton. No different explanation is possible. Even at an infinite small area also.


  5. Hiroji kurihara February 17, 2020 at 6:42 am Reply

    Eddington’s solar eclipse

    It is said that at the center of our galaxy, a black hole exists. Around this center of gravity, plural stars are revolving. These orbits are illustrated. Is there fact like Eddington’s solar eclipse ?


  6. Aurthur February 18, 2020 at 8:05 pm Reply

    How come the stars i see in the night sky in the northern hemisphere are different than the stars i see in the night sky in the southern hemispher


  7. Hiroji kurihara June 11, 2020 at 9:57 pm Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    There is a model of Mercury. A long lod penetrates a true sphere and at the both ends of the lod, weights are set. This model is rotating horizontally and is moving on the orbit of Mercury (two planes fall on). Main forces acting on the weights are gravity of the sun and inertial force (centrifugal force). And each force acting on the outside weight and inside weight is different.

    Inertial force pulls the orbit to the outside. But actual orbit of Mercury is pulled to the inside. Gravity of the sun acting on the two weights is inversely proportional to the square of the distance (not come out even. not plus minus zero). In Mercury, the action of gravity will be superior.


  8. Hiroji kurihara June 14, 2020 at 5:40 am Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    A model of Mercury is shown previously. Now, there are plural models. Length of lod and mass of weight each is different. These are revoleved around separately on the real orbit of Mercury. Maybe, all will be explained by Newton’s theory (including 575 arcsec).ll


  9. Hiroji kurihara June 14, 2020 at 5:43 am Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    Value 5.75 arcsec/year seems to be an observed value. In a website, contribution of other planets to this value is shown. These are added simply !? And value 5.75 arcsec (and contributions) seems to be constant every year !?

    I say again, other planets will not be main cause of this value 5.75 arcsec.


  10. Hiroji kurihara June 14, 2020 at 5:59 am Reply

    A web site on anti relativity

    A web site written by member voluntees of Japan science council is now being published (in Japanese). Below is URL.



  11. Hiroji kurihara June 14, 2020 at 7:04 am Reply

    Perihelion shif of Mercury

    Imagine that Mercury revolving is divided in two (hemisphere A facing the sun and the other B). Inertial force is A<B and gravity is A>B.

    Above must be the most natural explanation of perihelion shift of Mercury. This will not be many bodies problem. See the value of pergee movement of the moon is remarkable (around 8.85 years).

    Effect of satellites will be stronger than that of other planets. I saw value of perihelion shift of a binary pulsar, a quasar and some hot Jupiters. Common explanation is not acceptable. P.S. On the other hand, value of asteroids will be near zero.


  12. Hiroji kurihara June 14, 2020 at 7:32 am Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    “It can be safely said that gravity of other planets has no effect on the perihelion shift of Mercury”. It’s in a website(in Japanese).

    Imagine that with long radius of orbit of Mercury, the space of the solar system is divided into left and right. The probability that other planets exist on the two is equal. There will be no shift of perihelion in one direction at constant speed (common view does not stand up).

    But main cause of perihelion shift of Jupiter and Saturn will be mutual effect of gravity. Each perihelion is shifted every moment.


  13. Hiroji kurihara June 14, 2020 at 8:17 am Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    In an binary system (formed by main star and companion star), periapis is shifted also. Motion of companion star (apsidal shift) will be depending considerably on its size (even when mass is the same). Common view (says main cause is gravity of other planets) will be invalid.

    Cause of perigee movement of the moon is said to be the sun. No. It will be two body problem (earth and moon).


  14. Hiroji kurihara June 15, 2020 at 3:32 am Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    The perihelion shift of the earth is 11.45 arcsec / year. Main cause will be its size (size of sphere). It is the same to Mercury. In addition, the earth has a moon as a satellite that Mercury does not have. The inertial force of the moon and gravity of the sun acting on the moon are also considerable. And like Mercury, effect of other planets must be slight and unstable.


  15. Hiroji kurihara June 19, 2020 at 9:04 pm Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury (I say again)

    Imagine that two Mercuries are revolving on an orbit. One is located at the perihelion and the other is at the aphelion. Gravity of the sun acting on the two is different because distance is different. In addition, there will be difference corresponding to the size of sphere (hemisphere inside > hemisphere outside). The strength of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This will be main cause for perihelion shift of Mercury. The effect of other planets must be slight and unstable.


  16. Hiroji kurihara June 20, 2020 at 4:54 am Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    Mercury has an own size as a sphere. Therefore, the sun’s gravity will have a different effect on Mercury than it does on the center of gravity. Strength of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Actual orbit will be different from that the center of gravity must follow. On Mercury, it will be the main cause of the perihelion shift.


  17. Hiroji kurihara June 24, 2020 at 4:38 am Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    Let’s reconsider the main cause of perihelion shift again. On Mercury or Venus, main cause will be the size of sphere. On Earth or Mars, effect of satellite is added. On asteroids each, effects of size is negligible. On Jupiter or Saturn each, the powerful and unstable effect of the other will act. On Uranus or Neptune each, slight and unstable effect of the other all planets will act. Anyway, common view on Mercury is wrong.


  18. Hiroji kurihara June 25, 2020 at 9:55 pm Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    This is the top of tall tower. Two rods of equal mass and different length are arranged vertically (heigtht of center of gravity is the same). Now, two rods start to fall at the same time. The fall of center of gravity will not be the same. Because the strength of gravity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This will be the main cause for perihelion shift of Mercury.


    • Hiroji kurihara July 26, 2020 at 12:39 am Reply

      Propagation of light (I say again)

      Bradley found annual aberration on gamma star : Eltanin. In books, picture of ellipse is shown. However, this ellipse must be warped because of secular aberration (not only Eltanin). With this warp, the motion of solar system relative to aether must be clarified.

      Light emitted from a source in outer space will follow the emission theory. But for a few seconds only. The corner cube settled on the surface of the moon proves this.

      The motion of an observer relative to light waves is the same as the motion of an observer relative to sound waves. Light waves are light waves. An observer is an observer. And everything follows Galilean transformation.

      The speed of light in medium is c/n. The MM experiment ( done in air) is nonsense.


  19. Hiroji kurihara July 8, 2020 at 9:34 pm Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury

    In Mercury, the non-uniformity of the Sun’s gravity (in the size of Mercury) will be the main cause of perihelion shift. Even in artificial satellites, the effects of non-uniformity of the Earth’s gravity (the position of the center of mass and the center of gravity are different) are also mentioned.


  20. Hiroji kurihara July 26, 2020 at 12:30 am Reply

    Moon and earth (rewritten again)

    Allow me to rewrite again.

    Moon and earth are supposed to be two-body problem. Also it is supposed that the common center of gravity of moon and earth is situated outside the earth. And the orbit of earth is a perfect circle, and earth is a perfect sphere. In the illustration, the surface of earth closest to moon is A and the surface farthest from moon is B. At the two points A and B, the strength of resultant forces of moon’s gravity and centrifugal force (of earth) will be the same (act to opposite directions). Otherwise, earth cannot stay on orbit of perfect circle. This will explain that the level of high tide twice a day are the same.


  21. Hiroji kurihara August 2, 2020 at 2:05 am Reply

    Moon and earth (an essay)

    As moon passes overhead, high tide (one of two high tides a day) will come after a short delay. But why ? Why is seawater with a low specific gravity bulged ? Newton imagined that moon will continue falling. Earth will continue falling also. And seawater will cotinue falling too. So, it doesn’t matter how specific gravity is.


  22. Hiroji kurihara August 8, 2020 at 2:45 am Reply

    Pelihelion shift of Mercury (an essay)

    Some wide binaries are separated by one light years. And many wide binaries are at most (as much as) by 1000 au. These motion will be treated as mass points (a point). On the other hand, many close binaries are found out also. What are physicists who repeat nonsense on perihelion shift of Mercury ?


  23. Hiroji kurihara August 9, 2020 at 12:20 am Reply

    Moon and earth (an essay)

    Moon and earth are supposed to be two-body problem. In the illustration, the surface of earth closest to moon is A and the surface farthest from moon is B. At the two points A and B, the strength of resultant forces of moon’s gravity and centrifugal force (of earth) will be the same (act to opposite directions). It will be proved by the sameness of high tides.

    Also it will be proved by stability of orbits of each body.


  24. Hiroji kurihara August 14, 2020 at 9:06 am Reply

    Moon and earth (an essay)

    Moon and earth are supposed to be two-body problem. Also supposed that common center of gravity of the two is outside of earth : the orbit of earth is perfect circle : and earth is a perfefct sphere. The strength of moon’s attractive force acting on earth and centrifugal force due to revolution of earth are equal in total (as action reaction : as centrifugal force and centrepital force).

    The points on the surface of earth closest to moon is A and the surface farthest from moon is B. It will mean that the forces acting on the two points AB must be offset. It will explaine that level of high tides twice a day is the same.


  25. Hiroji kurihara August 17, 2020 at 4:51 am Reply

    Mercury (again)

    The main forces acting on Mercury are attractive force of sun and centrifugal force only. Hemisphere of Mercury facing sun is supposed to be A and the other hemisphere is B. The attractive force of the sun acting on the two will be A>B, and the centrifugal force will be B>A. From the look of the perihelion shift, the attractive force acting on Mercury as a whole will be slightly stronger.


  26. Hiroji kurihara August 28, 2020 at 11:04 pm Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury (an essay)

    A celestial body called Vulcan is revolving on orbit of Mercury. It has the same mass and revolution cycle as Mercury. And diameter is twohold (the both stars are uniform in density). Since the sun’s gravitational field is non-uniform, the sun’s gravity acting on both stars will be slightly larger in Vulcan and smaller in Mercury. The value of perihelion shift also likely will be similar. In short, the size of the celestial body (close to the gravitational source like Mercury) will be the main reason for the perihelion shift.

    Imagine a cone with evenly spaced concentric circles on its surface. The non-uniformity of gravity will be exponential non-uniformity.


  27. Hiroji kurihara August 30, 2020 at 7:56 pm Reply

    Perihelion shift of Mercury (an essay)

    On planets, it is said that centrifugal force caused by orbital motion is balanced with attractive force of sun (and the action and reaction are equal). On Mercury, it will stand up also. But exactly ? Solar wind or some other solar-derived substances seem to go down slightly speed of orbital motion of Mercury (one of perturbation ?). If so, centrifugal force will be reduced accordingly. On the other hand, attractive force of sun will not be affected at all. This may be the main reason for the perihelion movement of Mercury.


  28. Hiroji kurihara September 13, 2020 at 11:51 pm Reply

    Propagation of gravity

    The propagation of gravity will be done in an instant. For this, here are two reasons. One reason is that two-body problem, many-body problem are true for celestial bodies. The other reason is that the whole solar system is in an uniform linear motion and planets are in elliptical revolution on their revolution planes.


  29. Hiroji kurihara September 26, 2020 at 1:50 am Reply

    Inertial force, centrifugal force, centripetal force (an essay)

    Between accelerated motion and non-accelerated motion (uniform linear motion), there is an immovable distinction. And accelerated motion is always accompanied by an inertial force (corresponding to the vector of motion). These are based on the existence of absolute rest frame.

    A motion of a disk rotating is an acceleration motion. And the disk is accompanied by an inertial force called centrifugal force. It is said that centrifugal force depends on the situation of observer. But the physical phenomenon (centrifugal force) cannot be influenced by observers. Centrifugal force will show the same value to everyone.

    The wiki defines centripetal force as “the force that moves an object in a curved motion”. But is that the correct definition? Is mere external force centripetal force also? Isn’t tension, tensile stress, gravity, etc. all the same? Is there any commonalities (grouped together)?


  30. verendun November 11, 2021 at 12:40 am Reply

    “but when you present your side and they just continue to attack, attack, attack, they show they are not searching for truth, or meaningful investigation, but to derail. ” Actually, no. when facts and rebuttals are presented they should be addressed honestly, if that is not done the same questions will continue to be asked until they are satisfactorily answered. That is the basis of science.


  31. verendun November 11, 2021 at 12:48 am Reply

    “there is too much evidence to not give FE credible thought and investigation. I hope this helps explain the censorship needed to keep discussions relevant and on track.” Actually, that is totally untrue. There is zero evidence Earth is flat, what there is are biblical literalism and unsupported claims and assertions, none of which stand up to scrutiny.
    All the FE claims about Tesla are prime examples as anyone who has studied science, history and Tesla’s works is fully aware.
    Example. “Pre Einstein science was based on observational and experimental data. He then introduced advanced mathematical equations into the field and his followers then attempted to fit nature to it.” Actually Newton was doing that long before Einstein, as were all scientists as far back as Archimedes.
    Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica. Didn’t your minders tell you about that book?
    Now also try reading these –
    “This is the science we have today”: Yes, the science that gives us international air and sea transport, computers, mobile phones, Satcomms, GPS, medical science, cars etc. You were saying?
    What does and has your FE “science” give us?. Precisely nothing because it is a pseudo-science, in fact it isn’t even that is it, it is a belief in superstitions and myths.


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